DATE: 1/17/96


Tab Paid for AFF care of #17, #44, and 62

Mr. Tormenta’s order has been fulfilled, and his tab has been paid in full. Though we would have liked to keep him in the Cafe a bit longer, there was nothing we could’ve done to run up his tab further. Though his order has been fulfilled, he hasn’t left for Ottawa yet. We still need to figure out if it’d be better for him to stay here or go back home. Due to the price of his meal, he won’t have the funds to travel back to Ottawa himself, but we might be able to chip in.

In other news, the weather is… fantastic. A nice cool high of 67 with a low of 50. It seems like we’re back to the usual January in SoCal. #53 is already brewing a batch of fresh coffee, claiming that the past week’s weather was due to an unforeseen El Niño pattern, gas leaks, and a massive underwater explosion, among other very legitimate oddities. I wish we could’ve served Mr. Tormenta a better cup of coffee than the one he got, but, as the Owner says, there is no such thing as a failure, only half-successes. And, I suppose, the weather is proof of that.

Still, the damage is done. The Open Doors Church took last week’s weather and brewed their own cup of rancid coffee for it. And, of course, the masses gulped that down so fast I imagine they must’ve burnt their tongues on it. It doesn’t help that Mrs. Pleasant has been a very busy bee, or moth, and has been really stirring things up the best she can. Additionally, as #62 mentioned earlier, despite AFF’s fulfillment, we’re still experiencing an unusually high amount of tremors. It could just be “the big one,” but it’s more than likely something much worse. It always is.


