[DATE] 10/22/21



Right, well, if it isn't lovely Mrs. Florida again. That reminds me, back when the Cafe, our Cafe, was more "in the Dark" we didn't use the same customer system as the other Cafes, choice? So, for the record, Florida is a "Mrs." yeah? I think that's a pretty fair evaluation of her marital status. Speaking of marriage, she's got herself a lovely little partner these days, which is what this update is about. The horrible Mrs. Higgins.

Mrs. Higgins is a right pea-in-pod with Robbie, I'd reckon. Though, as we all know, Florida likes hard liquor while Mrs. Higgins fancies herself something a little closer to home, choice? At least for me anyway. Tea. She drinks tea with steamed milk and… Bloody hell, I'm not one hundred percent sure what makes a London Fog. Tea and milk, innit? Like a… tea latte? Sans coffee, of course. Not that it matters, you all get the point, Mrs. Higgins orders London Fogs. Which explains her new relationship that was conjured up with Florida. 

This does not explain a lot else, however. See, the thing about Mrs. Higgins is well; she's been around a lot longer than last year. She goes way back to '68 if I'm not mistaken. My current theory is that seeing as she is from Quebec, she "existed" in the same vein that other Quebecers exist and only took a trip down to the States after we started serving London Fogs. They are rather popular, yeah? And I'm sure the case is similar for things like Miss. 112. Hell, everything from the bloody Rabbit Hole seems to be tied to London Fogs. Strange that. However, that is not a mystery we have time for. 

Mrs. Florida and Mrs. Higgins are hell-bent on getting at something under the bowling alley, and it's probably in everyone's best interests if we stop them. We've been keeping the little twerp and Tiffany Valentine at bay for now. From what I can tell, they're gearing up to go again on Monday or Tuesday of next week. This time with a possible third associate. Who? Not sure yet, but I've been keeping an ear to the Floridian underground. Florida's been hiring out extra muscle for whatever this is. 'Course I reckon we could just see what's under the alley for ourselves… though maybe that's a Pandora's box we don't want to open.


