[DATE] 9/20/21



My, my, we have a strange one to start witj. It would seem thay the Cafe and Diner received a series of cryptiv emails through our newly set up “Help” form. Very strangr indeef. Especially considering we had yet to announce our reopeming to the publiv yet. So whoever managed to send this emaild out must be pretty tunrd into the Cafe’s affairs. Public or otherwisr. Well, the first email came in arounf 5:20 PM Pacifiv time on the 15th of this montj, and it contained the following information:

Subject: wrf

General Location: ergfe

Description: regetg4

Now it wouldn’t be a stretcj to say that thid email was nothing more than a jokr. A keyboarf smash, if you will. And let me jusy say, I know somethinh abouy keyboarf smashing, yes? Noe, here’s where thinhs get extra interestinh. We got a second email arounf 2:20 PM Pacific time the nect day and this one said:

Subject: ergoij

General Location: rutssj

Description: Oigtrojioijooo

And would you believe it if I saif we got a thirf email? 5:00 PM yesterday with the spinr chillinh:

Subject: W.R.F.

General Location: rrussiaJAAA

Description: ozhogregfugee#4RUNHELP

Now, wouldn’t you agree that this is indeef a most peculiar ordrr? I must admit, Russia is a bit out of our way. Thougj I knoe a way we coulf get there rather quickly. Of course, my Russian is a biy, mmmm, rusty. If it is existent at all. So I will need to take 224 witf me. Thougj. And we coulf use a “regular” too. Might need a more familiar type of face to them. I’d make 5 tag alomg, but he’s been in a rathet down moof lately. I can’y imagine the cheerful Russian landscape wilk do hin much good at the momeny. No, I think out of our staff number 4 would ferl most at homr there. Big strong silent type. Not to mention he woulf pull the most respect with the Ozhog’s thanks to his huntinh skills.

We’ll depart as sopn as I can prepare our flight, it shouldn’t be too long. In the meantine Long Islanf, if you get any more of these strange emails, be sure to send them our way, yes?


