Receipt: SOB04

Author: Dover

Status: Open

Subject: Kings Cult

Jeez, what are you guys? The “Doom and Gloom” crew? Things aren’t THAT bad. Come on. It’s No. 512. She is not only a sweetheart but a certified cinnamon roll. Sure, okay, she eats people sometimes. Who doesn’t? Okay, perhaps she has been led astray by the latent ambitions of a madman. It happens! But I’ll say this, she’s a tough cookie! In Dive, that version of No. 512 was also led astray by a madman, but do you know what she did? She shot that guy! Bang! BANG! I’m sure No. 512 is playing some sort of long game, and she’ll figure things out.

…Okay. I’ll be honest. I’m not feeling so sure about the whole replacement plan. Nine and I got the needed copy, but actually having it… I don’t know. It gives me a very, very bad vibe. And it’s not because I have a sexy trauma-laden backstory full of loss, grief, and penitence. It’s just… this feels… wrong? I mean, what if No. 512 isn’t actually in her villain arc and is ACTUALLY trying to take down the Kings all at once, and then we show up and mess up her plans? Or what if the replacement doesn’t go well… and we lose the No. 512 we had. I don’t want to lose another person. Not like that.

Also, has messing with a soul like this EVER worked out? I mean, Solomon Langley messed his sister up BAD, and look how she turned out! And Umbra, well, Umbra messed himself up, but look at the weirdo creep he became. And, and, and Nikki and Seth had their souls messed up, and look where it landed them! Maybe that last one isn’t the best example. They’re both super-hot and ruling over the Necropolis now, so… that one might have went well besides the whole Jericho break-up. My point is… maybe we should… I don’t know, wait and see what happens? I really think No. 512 is going to do the right thing.


